People Break Down Their Most Peculiar Hygiene Habits (2025)

Everyone has a different relationship with hygiene.

While some people wash their hands every time they enter a new room, and never leave home without a bottle of hand sanitizer, others might not care where their hands have been as they bust open a bag of chips.

However, one thing that both parties have in common is that over time, they might have developed certain practices related to their own personal hygiene that are unique to them.

Helping them either make sure their hands, teeth, and body are as clean as can possibly be or help them get things done as speedily, if not as effectively, as possible.

Redditor BhairriBalayya was curious to hear the most unusual hygienic habits people have developed over time, leading them to ask:

"What is the peculiar hygiene habit that you've developed?"

So Nothing Gets Overlooked

"When I shower I slowly rotate in a circle like some type of vertical rotisserie chicken."- RootsRoots55

To Help It Come Out... Maybe?...

"When I sit down to poo, I sort of sit in a way that spreads my cheeks as much as possible."- Myzx

Clean Before You Clean

"I wash my hands in the shower before I touch my face."- plasticIove

People Break Down Their Most Peculiar Hygiene Habits (1)Happy Wash Hands GIF by Mecklenburg CountyGiphy

Surprisingly Overlooked

"I spend an extra minute in every shower making sure I thoroughly clean my feet."

"Not weird to clean feet."

"But definitely weird to remind myself every day 'gotta wash them trotters'."- ingoodtime23

Don't Overlook The Hard To Reach Places

"I see a lot of elderly people in the hospital.'

"99% have toenail fungus."

"I keep anti-fungal shampoo in the shower next to a toothbrush and scrub my nails and in-between my toes every morning."- Resilient_bookworm

Nothing Says You Can't Have Fun In The Shower...

"More of a fun one, but related to hygiene."

"When in the shower, and I'm lathering up my body with my soap/shower gel, I ensure a nice seal between my arm and body."

"Then I keep my fingertips against my hip and extend my elbow, creating a huge bubble in the gap between my arm and body."

"Then I blow it to see how big a bubble I can blow before it pops."

"Yes I'm a 35 year old man."- Angry_Cornflake

Extra, Extra Dry

"Squeegee myself with my hands in the shower to get most of the water off before I towel dry."- clydeswitch

Wash Up After Cleaning

"After using a sponge or cloth from the kitchen sink, I wash my hands with soap."

"These things are just nasty, imo."- knuckleduster12

A Few Steps Ahead

"Taking showers in the middle of the night."

"I have insomnia and one night I decided, what the hell, I need to shower when I get up anyways, so I'll get it out of the way now."

"Maybe it's placebo, but as soon as I got out of the shower and got into bed I slept like a baby."

"Now if I can't fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night I'll go take a shower instead of laying in bed trying to force myself to fall asleep."- SunnySilver8

People Break Down Their Most Peculiar Hygiene Habits (2)Relaxing Homer Simpson GIFGiphy

Beware The Excess Spray

"I try to close the toilet seat lid before flushing because I saw a video once where green 'bacteria' gets shot out of the toilet."- LrckLacroix

Their Expert Hiders

"Full body tick check before bed every night."

"I spend a lot of time in the bush and lyme sucks."- cat_named_virtue

The Proof Is In The Pudding... Flavored Toothpaste

"My friends think it's weird that I time myself brushing my teeth so that I brush for the full 2 minutes."

"Joke's on them though, I have the nicest teeth in the friend group."- selloboy

People Break Down Their Most Peculiar Hygiene Habits (3)Brush Colgate GIFGiphy

...Seems Kind Of Dangerous...

"I like to shower in complete darkness."

"Turn off the lights, block the bottom of the bathroom door with a towel or my clothes if I have to, maybe put some music on if I'm in the mood, and just have a nice, long, hot shower."

"It's incredibly relaxing, almost like a little nap with how warm it is and all the darkness."- Adventurous-Till2924

Should That Even Matter?

"As a straight guy, washing my a**, apparently."- fromkentucky

It Can Get Out Of Control

"I trim my armpit hair every time I trim my beard."

"It’s like a buzz-cut under there."

"Deodorant is more effective that way."-

One would like to think that everyone follows the most basic rules of personal hygiene without needing to be reminded.

At the end of the day though, what's important is doing whatever puts your mind at rest that you are as clean as it possibly can be.

Still... How can you really tell how clean you are if you shower in the dark?

People Break Down Their Most Peculiar Hygiene Habits (2025)


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